How Do I Find a Workout Plan That Works for Me?

There is so much information available online about fitness, and it can be difficult to decide who to listen to. When it comes to picking a workout plan to follow, I would start by asking yourself a few questions:

What are my fitness goals?

Identifying specific fitness goals takes a bit more precision than finding your “why”. Do you want to improve your strength and build muscle, increase your speed and endurance, work on your mobility and agility? Are you interested in a specific activity, like bodybuilding, powerlifting or pilates, for example? 

What do I want my physical activity to look like?

Would you prefer to workout in a weight room, in a class setting, at home, or even outside? What kind of equipment do you need for the activity you want to pursue?

Do I want to workout independently or with a coach?

The answer to this question is largely dependent on how much money, if any, you are willing to invest into your workout plan. Creating and following a plan independently is the most cost-effective option. You can even make it completely free if you workout at home and create a workout plan with your own research. I would say that the next step up would be to purchase a plan, or subscribe to a fitness app. Many online personal trainers have workout plans that they have created and sell for a set price. They are meant to be used for a specified amount of time, and they take a one-size-fits-all approach. Fitness apps typically serve the same purpose, but instead of being a one-time purchase, they offer subscriptions and tend to update the content of their plans more often. Classes can be a great way to get your exercise in, as they are structured, an instructor is available to help you, and cancellation fees can serve to help you stay accountable, or at least they do for me. Many fitness classes are quite expensive though, making them somewhat less accessible. The most costly option available to you is hiring a personal trainer or coach. That being said, if you are willing to spend the money, hiring a coach takes a lot of the mental effort out of fitness. They are trained to create plans based on your unique needs and abilities, and they know how to gauge whether a plan is working or not. Finding the right plan, app, or coach is completely dependent on what you identified as your fitness goals. Social media can be a great place to start! I found my current plan by following personal trainers who specialize in weight training, and once I consumed enough content to decide who’s goals and values aligned with mine closely enough, I purchased a plan. That being said, please be careful who you buy products from. I highly recommend only buying fitness-related plans and products from certified fitness professionals. This will help to ensure that you are investing in something that is effective, and most importantly, safe. 

BTS of Fueling Your Twenties (so far)

In just a few weeks, I have gone from feeling incredibly overwhelmed by the idea of starting a website with zero previous experience, to feeling excited about and proud of the progress that I have made. I finally chose a theme for my site, which was actually quite difficult. I had a very clear image in my head of what I wanted the site to look like, but I struggled to find a theme that was close enough to this image. I tried five or six different themes and tested the layouts of each by creating test posts and menus, and finally found one that fit my criteria. Once I got the theme down, I spent some time on YouTube learning the more technical side of running a website. There are so many videos that walk you through WordPress and all of its features, but I found this video particularly helpful, especially the section about categories and menus. 

My goal for this week is to learn how to use Elementor to customize my site. I have installed the plug-in, but I need to dedicate some time to watching tutorials. I am going to start with this intro tutorial, and then I will dedicate an afternoon to watching this longer tutorial

Comparing where I am at with my website to my vision board has been pretty interesting. I made a Venn diagram as my vision board, and it was kind of all over the place. I tried to look back on the Venn diagram a few times, but it was quite difficult for me to take much inspiration from it because while the diagram is a representation of who I am as a whole, my site only represents one part of me. Rather than trying to expand the focus of the sight and forcing aspects of myself into posts that just don’t belong, I have been putting effort into being authentic in what I am sharing. 

How to Be a Fitness Superhero

Wonder Woman posing with her hands on her hips against a pink background

People know me, Wonder Woman, for being skilled in many different ways. I have super strength, but I also have super agility. I have super speed, and I also have incredible acrobatic abilities. While it may look like these things come easy to me, you don’t become a well-rounded superhero without putting in the work. All of my different abilities require unique types of training, so here is a very simple, non-exhaustive list, of different kinds of physical activity to consider. 

To build or maintain strength, weight training is an excellent type of physical activity. Weight training will help you put on muscle mass, strengthen your joints, and improve your overall mobility (Roland, 2023). 

Cardio, or aerobic, exercise is a physical activity that increases your heart rate. This can include running, walking, swimming, cycling, among many others. Cardio exercise improves your heart, lung, bone, and joint health, and has been shown to reduce levels of stress, anxiety and depression (Waehner, 2022). 

Agility is the ability to accelerate, decelerate, and change positions quickly. Here is a great article about agility training that is reviewed by a certified trainer;

I can totally understand that training like an acrobat is not convenient or accessible for everyone. What is more practical is mobility training. Mobility exercises reduce your risk of injury, fight against the effects of living a sedentary life, and can make functional movements, like sitting down and standing back up, easier (ISSA, 2022). 


ISSA (2022, September 21). Mobility Training- Why you need it and how to do it. Retrieved October 2, 2023, from

Roland, J. (2023, March 20). A beginner’s guide to weight training. Healthline. Retrieved October 2, 2023, from

Waehner, P. (2022, November 26). Everything you need to know about cardio exercise. Verywellfit. Retrieved October 2, 2023, from

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