Welcome to Fueling Your Twenties!

Welcome to Fueling Your Twenties! My name is Eva, and I am a third-year university student with a newfound passion for fitness. 


My experience with the world of fitness and nutrition has been filled with ups and downs, but for the last six months or so, moving and fueling my body has been the glue holding me together. When I started my fitness journey, I didn’t have anyone in my life to look to for guidance, and the amount of information available to me online was so overwhelming that I didn’t know who to trust. The goal of this page is to create a safe space for anyone embarking on their fitness journey to turn to for the basic building blocks of success. 


I am not a personal trainer or a dietician, so this page is not going to be used to teach anyone how to exercise or eat. Rather, I am going to use this page to talk about things like consistency, measuring your progress, and my favourite activewear brands!


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